Internship Programs
The Physical and Life Sciences Directorate offers a broad range of educational opportunities to train the next generation of scientists to conduct innovative basic science research to meet important national needs.
Our signature summer programs include:
- Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division Student Research Opportunities: Undergraduate and graduate students engage in practical research experience to further their educational goals through a wide range of geoscience and atmospheric science projects.
- Computational Chemistry and Materials Science Summer Institute: Graduate students gain experience in the development and application of methods in computational materials science, computational chemistry, and other related areas of computational science.
- Data Science Summer Institute: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students pursuing degrees in machine learning, statistics, applied mathematics, computer science, or similar fields spend 12 weeks working with mentors on data science problems that matter to the nation.
- Materials and Chemistry Institute (MaCI) Summer Program: Undergraduate and graduate students spend 10–12 weeks gaining hands-on experience in materials synthesis, materials characterization, materials processing, analytical chemistry, actinide materials science, optical materials science, electrochemistry, materials chemistry, and physics.
- Nuclear Forensics Summer Institute: Graduate students work directly with leading LLNL researchers for 8 weeks on projects in the areas of nuclear forensics, nuclear chemistry, and environmental radiochemistry.
Other opportunities for student research support at LLNL can be found on the LLNL Students site. To learn more about student opportunities at LLNL, download the Student Opportunities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory flier.