The Physical and Life Sciences Directorate (PLS) is comprised of five divisions.
Atmospheric, Earth, & Energy Division (AEED)
LLNL’s missions in national security, energy security, and fundamental science require robust, multidisciplinary research and development in atmospheric, Earth, and energy sciences.
Biosciences & Biotechnology Division (BBTD)
BBTD lies at the intersection of biological, physical, and engineering sciences. We apply an understanding of fundamental biology to predict and counter emerging biological and chemical threats and to solve problems in health and environmental security.
Materials Science Division (MSD)
MSD conducts research and development at the intersection of chemical and nuclear science in support of LLNL's national security missions. MSD personnel provide expertise in organic/inorganic, synthetic, analytical, computational, nuclear, and environmental chemistry, to solve problems in stockpile stewardship and other national security programs.
Nuclear & Chemical Sciences Division (NACS)
As the home for the nuclear, chemical, and isotopic science and technology core competency for LLNL, NACS provides innovative and responsive science in support of the programs and performs discovery-class science ahead of the programs.
The Physics Division conducts frontier physics research and development in fields ranging from astrophysics and planetary science, to atomic, condensed matter, plasma and high energy density physics. This work includes advanced science and technology development in optical and x-ray science, detectors, predictive modeling and simulation, dynamic/static extreme environments, lasers, space, and fusion. These research and development activities place LLNL at the leading edge of 21st century national security missions.