Biosciences and Biotechnology Division

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The Biosciences & Biotechnology Division (BBTD) lies at the intersection of biological, physical, and engineering sciences. We apply an understanding of fundamental biology to predict and counter emerging biological and chemical threats and to solve problems in health and environmental security.

Explore this page to learn more about our team of collaborative and innovative people.

To learn about the division’s mission and research focus, visit the Biosciences & Biotechnology webpage.

Mabery, Shalini L.
Shalini Mabery
Mach, Cynthia Paige
Cynthia Mach
Madsen, Cody Scott
Cody Madsen
Malfatti, Mike
Mike Malfatti
Malfatti, Stephanie A.
Stephanie Malfatti
Malhan, Kashish
Kashish Malhan
Manning, Christa
Christa Manning
Mccall, Nathan Andrew
Nathan Mccall
Mccloy, Summer A.
Summer Mccloy
McCool, Jillian Lisann
Jillian McCool
Mcintire, William Camden
William Mcintire
Merchant, Farah Nazarali
Farah Merchant
Mitchell-Hall, Tuijauna
Tuijauna Mitchell-Hall
Monge Neria, Ricardo
Ricardo Monge Neria
Moreno, Marcus Vincent
Marcus Moreno
Morfin, Cesar
Cesar Morfin
Murugesh, Deepa K.
Deepa Murugesh
Musharrafieh, Rami Shaaban Ghassan
Rami Shaaban Musharrafieh
Narayanasamy, Sankar Raju
Sankar Raju Narayanasamy
Negrete, Oscar Alfredo
Oscar Negrete
Nguyen, Long Phan
Long Nguyen
Nguyen, MINH anh
MINH anh Nguyen
Nikfarjam, Shakiba
Shakiba Nikfarjam
Olivas, Jason A.
Jason Olivas
Oppenheimer, Lucas
Lucas Oppenheimer
Otani, Yusuke
Yusuke Otani
Ozturk Dalpe, Tugba Nur
Tugba Ozturk Dalpe
Paulo, Char
Char Paulo
Pei, Jun
Jun Pei
Peters, Sandra K G
Sandra Peters
Peterson, Alexander Ethan
Alexander Peterson
Phillips, Ashlee M.
Ashlee M. Phillips
Pierceall, Laken Noelle
Laken Pierceall