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Physics Division
The Physics Division conducts leading-edge research and development activities to drive research at the forefront of physics. Explore this page to learn more about our team of collaborative and innovative people who support our mission.
To learn about the division’s mission and research focus, visit the Physics webpage.
Jave Kane
Jessica Karlton
Nolan Kelly
Andreas Kemp
Shahab Khan
Joohwan Kim
Min Kim
Yongjae Kim
Bernard Kozioziemski
Brooklyn Kraus
Andy Krygier
Steph Z. Kubala
Miki Kurihara
Shashank Kushwaha
Cesar Laguna
Charlie Lasnier
Robert Laughlin
Ashley Lee
Schayne Lees
Maurice Leutenegger
Nami Li
Edison Liang
Tom Lockard
Lynda LoDestro
Emilio Loera
Joshua Luoma
Mike MacDonald
Tanmay Martinbhai Macwan
Jonah Madrid
Alicia Magann
Anirban Mandal
Micolo Manio
Mario Manuel
Christine Mariscal