Physics Division

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The Physics Division conducts leading-edge research and development activities to drive research at the forefront of physics. Explore this page to learn more about our team of collaborative and innovative people who support our mission.

To learn about the division’s mission and research focus, visit the Physics webpage.

Paul, Reetam
Reetam Paul
Peralta, Pedro D.
Pedro Peralta
Perez Callejo, Gabriel
Gabriel Perez Callejo
Perks, Conor
Conor Perks
Perloff, Alexx Stephen
Alexx Perloff
Peterson, Annabelle Elayne
Annabelle Peterson
Pickrel, Derrick
Derrick Pickrel
Pietrow, Alex Charles
Alex Pietrow
Pilgrim, Michael
Michael Pilgrim
Ping, Yuan
Yuan Ping
Pokornik, Michael Miles
Michael Pokornik
Porter, Frederick Scott
Frederick Porter
Power, Dominic Christopher
Dominic Power
Prisbrey, Carrie Jane
Carrie Prisbrey
Pulver, Nathan William
Nathan Pulver
Rash, Davis Benjamin
Davis Rash
Rasool Ahmad, Fnu
Fnu Rasool Ahmad
Reksoatmodjo, Richard Murijono Tung Ming
Richard Reksoatmodjo
Rensink, Marvin Edward
Marvin Rensink
Reynoso, Jeremiah
Jeremiah Reynoso
Richardson, Martin Charles
Martin Richardson
Roy, Prabir Kumar
Prabir Roy
Ruof, Nicholas William
Nicholas Ruof
Ruz Armendariz, Jaime
Jaime Ruz Armendariz
Sadigh, Babak
Babak Sadigh
Sallaberry, Gregory Robert
Gregory Sallaberry
Scotti, Filippo
Filippo Scotti
Sears, Jason Andrew
Jason Sears
Sema, Dionysios
Dionysios Sema